September 24, 2020 7Fi Web Design

Why Now is a Great Time to Start an Online Business

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The unprecedented outbreak of the global pandemic has been a confusing and unpredictable time for everyone. However, people are coming to terms with the extended social distancing period and are finding ways to be productive. Many are even completing tasks and projects they have been putting off during their busy day-to-day schedules!

During this time, entrepreneurs should consider that the market will eventually come back to normal as infection rates steadily decrease. The markets will bounce back in due time, people will continue their work, and consumers will start purchasing nonessential products again.

That is why NOW is the best time for entrepreneurs to move forward with confidence. Zeal to start the beginning stages of the online business they’ve dreamt of. While waiting for the social distancing period to end, entrepreneurs can use this time to prepare their online store.

Growing an online business doesn’t happen overnight, but our team at Mad Mind Studios can help you prepare to have a successful launch much sooner. Follow these steps, and you’ll be prepared to launch your e-commerce business in no time.

How to Start Your Online Store – ECommerce Business

1. Branding and Logo Design

Robust branding design is essential to making a lasting impression on consumers. An incredible logo design gives your customers a taste of what to expect from your company. Our logo design agency can create stunning visuals tp place on your website, brochures, flyers, and trade show tents. We also offer logo animation design for email marketing, social media marketing, and Google Display Ads.

But great design is far more than an engaging aesthetic. Our Los Angeles branding agency can assist with your brand positioning statement and brand strategy to make your business stand out amongst competitors.

2. Website Development and eCommerce Web Design

Each detail of your eCommerce website must be user-friendly and accessible to those with disabilities. From the wireframes to the eCommerce web design and content, our developers and designers ensure that your Shopify website or WooCommerce website is easy to navigate.

It is also vital for your eCommerce website to be full of relevant, optimized content. Optimized content on each page will ensure that your online store is more likely to show up on the first page of Google over competitors.

3. Search Engine Optimization and SEO Marketing

Now that you’ve set up your online store, it’s time to bring your eCommerce website into the world. Search Engine Optimization (or SEO marketing) is the best digital marketing strategy to get your business in front of your target audience. If your online business is not ranking for keywords in your industry, your products may never reach willing to purchase customers at all.

Our Los Angeles SEO agency can implement keyword-friendly content into your website to drive traffic and increase conversions.

4. Digital Marketing Strategy

Once your e-commerce web design and content is complete, the journey does not stop. Your brand needs to build and maintain your online presence with a digital marketing strategy.

Digital marketing strategy includes pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, social media marketing, and more.

Keeping up with your eCommerce marketing strategy allows your brand to reach a broader range of people online. Many consumers use the web to find products or services just like yours, but if they fail to come across your eCommerce store trough advertisements, they will likely purchase from a competitor instead.


Are you ready to start your online business? You don’t have to go through it alone. Get a free consultation with our Los Angeles marketing agency to learn how to set up your online business to reach your target audience and gain success.

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