August 21, 2020 7Fi Web Design

Marketing Strategies to Restore Your Business Once Covid-19 Is Over

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Given the certain Coronavirus, COVID-19 circumstances, it’s fair to say many businesses are taking a hit. Whether it’s from canceled meetings, doors closing, social distancing, and more, we understand the impact it has on corporations that rely on consumers to stay in business.

Unfortunately, during this climate, brands are collectively losing the interests of clients. As a top branding studio Los Angeles firm, we’ve studied the up’s and down’s of corporate functions and have high hopes that companies around the world will overcome this trial. Business sales may not spike overnight, but it will increase over time if a company uses strategic marketing techniques. Here’s some advice from a trusted Los Angeles marketing agency on how to redeem your company sales.

Marketing Strategies to Build Your Business After The Outbreak is Over

1. Go After a Target Audience with SEO

Now more than ever is the time to go after the people who will provide sales, this being your target audience. Conduct strategic marketing by creating Google ads and social media advertising. Focus on geography, demographics, and the lifestyle of consumers who are looking to buy your product and or services.

To help those same consumers better find you, make sure to implement search engine optimization, SEO into all of your content. A great advertising agency in LA will use SEO through keywords and backlinks to help you appear on the first pages of Google, thus making it easier for the right consumers to land on your webpage or social media sites.

2. Nurture Loyal Customers Through Email Marketing

Take the time to communicate with loyal consumers who’ve been fans since you’ve opened your business. Although days haven’t been looking the best for everyone financially, that doesn’t mean they no longer support your business. Your brand should stand for more than just sales. Reaching out to loyal consumers gets that community message across.

The best form of indirect communication is email marketing. Email marketing helps to frequently update consumers with news about the company and discounts opportunities, creating a trusted bond. In the long run, that bond is what will keep consumers coming back.

Search “marketing and branding companies near me” to find email marketing experts that will get the content flowing. Of course, Mad Mind Studios is among the top advertising agencies in LA that will love to help.

3. Rebrand Your Business with Modern Shopify Web Designs

If business was already stagnant before the COVID-19 outbreak, it might be in your best interest to invest in new web design. Shopify web design experts can help you rebrand your website to reach a broader demographic. Just having entered a new decade, a fresh look will convince online users that your services and products are moving with the times and currently favored by consumers.

However, if you are not a design expert, we highly suggest a web design agency Los Angeles based, or a Shopify web design agency to get looks that are not only modern but relevant to your brand.

4. Sell on The Web with ECommerce Marketing

To the statement above of connecting with Shopify web design experts for a new website, we recommend reaching out to WooCommerce experts or to an eCommerce web design agency as well.

~Mad Mind Studios is a Los Angeles marketing agency that does it all.

Developing an eCommerce web design allows your company to sell directly online. If you own an in-store retail company, this method can create a new stream of revenue. If a natural disaster occurs, hopefully never the COVID-19 outbreak again, people will be able to continue shopping as they partake in social distancing. Given that some people may still fear to go to the store when the outbreak is over, eCommerce web design is the next best thing.

Honestly, aside from the outbreak, people tend to live busy lives and lack finding the time to shop around. ECommerce marketing makes it easy for those with a tight schedule to hop online and buy whatever they need or want. In the year 2020, eCommerce marketing is smart marketing. Think smart and get a web-accessible, eCommerce web design today!

5. Set New Goals & Create a New Budget

Now that you’re already in the works of SEO, email marketing, Shopify web design, and eCommerce marketing, you can begin setting new sales goals. The world is adjusting to a new lifestyle, and oddly enough, things may never be the same. So why should your goals or budget?

Set a new goal for your company, aim high, and think smart. Using the tools presented above, you have multiple sources that can update your clientele and increase company sales. Utilize all marketing techniques to benefit your company while building lasting relationships with your consumers. It’s the perfect time to rebrand and start off fresh, which doesn’t mean starting from the bottom but instead aiming in a new direction.

For tips more tips on how to restore your brand through marketing, visit

Mad Mind Studios is a Los Angeles marketing agency experienced in Shopify web design, eCommerce marketing, SEO, and more.