October 13, 2020 7Fi Web Design

Taking Your Twitter Marketing to the Next Level

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According to the latest statistics, the average lifespan of the tweet is about 18 minutes which means that you can easily get lost in the crowd, without leaving any trace that you’ve been there – that’s why you need to come up with brand-new Twitter marketing strategy. Twitter is a social network where people gather and share their opinions on current events and trends. That’s true, but we can also say that Twitter represents a community where business owners often promote their products and services.
Twitter marketing started developing tremendously in the past couple of years, and more and more people consider this platform an excellent place to grow their business.
However, it’s not enough to be just a member of the community, but you’ll need to find your place in the sun there.
Fortunately, marketers, SEO experts, and development of the digital world itself have influenced the creation of useful Twitter marketing strategies that would help your brand stand out from the host of sparrows.

You don’t know them yet?

Let’s get started then.

Benefits of Using Twitter for Marketing


Before we dive into the Twitter marketing strategies, let’s see the advantages of using this platform for business promotion.

First, the use of hashtags. For instance, you can participate in discussions about live events by using the event hashtag, and you can learn about breaking news – generally speaking, they help you reach more Twitter accounts which is a step forward to successful advertising.

Secondly, you can follow high-profile people and have a conversation with them. Celebrities and influencers usually respond to people’s comments, retweets, and direct messages, which makes them seem more accessible.

The third advantage would be Twitter chat – a perfect place to meet and engage with other people online. In that way, you have an opportunity to build relationships and establish future collaboration.

If you don’t take advantage of the mentioned features, and if you’re applying wrong techniques, you probably won’t experience the full potential of the platform.

So, let’s meet the strategies that will enhance your experience in marketing with Twitter.

1. Create an Intuitive Handle

If you want to create a reputable image of your business, it’s essential to optimize your Twitter account with an intuitive handle name.

People use handle to find your page – so, make sure it’s recognizable, easy-to-remember and not too long so that users can easily tag you in their tweets.

Also, it’s not necessary to put on a thinking cap when creating a handle – it’s enough to keep your names consistent across all social network profiles and to include your company name. Otherwise, you may confuse your followers and make your page difficult to find.

Let’s take EA games as a good example – their handle on all social media is the same, it’s brief, recognizable, and users won’t have trouble finding it – it’s just @EA.

When you create such handle, without random characters and numbers, users and brands will be happy to @mention you in their tweets. People avoid mentioning business accounts with long handle names because of the character limit of each tweet – keep it short, and you won’t regret.

To conclude the handle part, let’s say that it significantly impacts the success of marketing on Twitter. So, it’s vital to keep it clear and recognizable if you want to increase interaction with other credible accounts.

2. Don’t Forget to Upload Profile Photo and Cover Image

Images are the essence of marketing. Catchy and bright-colored logos are mostly the reason why people become interested in the product, even though they don’t need them actually.

When it comes to Twitter, an account with no images is never the option.


If a highly-engaged user goes to your profile ready to get to know your business better and sees an egg instead of the profile photo, say “hello” to the back button. Without the profile picture, your brand won’t seem trustworthy, and you’ll lose a chance to interact with other reputable Twitter profiles.

Many businesses use their logo as a profile picture, which is an excellent way for nurturing brand awareness. When someone interacts with your Twitter profile, they’ll become more familiar with your logo, and they’ll recognize it when they see it somewhere else – in a Logo quiz perhaps.

Also, don’t forget about the header space at the top of your profile – use it for raising your brand awareness as well.

You are allowed to express your creativity when posting a cover photo, and you can include catchy, fun, colorful, and loveable images to hook the followers into your magic world.

For example, the popular EA game, the Sims, has chosen a cover photo with their latest product – it’s a great Twitter marketing strategy since it subtly invites people to buy it. And true Simmers won’t miss it!

3. Write a Top-Notch Bio That Describes Your Brand

Your bio must be optimized if you want to achieve the best Twitter marketing results. In that way, the potential buyers will have a broader picture of you and your business.

When creating a bio, have in mind these five things:

  • Include accurate info – tell people what your business is about.
  • Tell a joke – don’t be afraid to express your humorous side; people will appreciate it.
  • Brag – Yes, you should brag a little. If you’re successful at your business niche, let people know it.
  • Target – have in mind writing a bio that’ll attract people that might fit your target audience.
  • Use relevant hashtags – use hashtags so that people can find you when searching for a specific term.

4. Add Images to Tweets

Your followers love visual content, and if you add images to your tweets, there is more chance for increasing clicks, shares, and retweets.

For instance, if you’re tweeting about your recent blog post, you can add an image from the article and a link where your followers can read the entire text and find more information.

Images can also be used when you want to promote new products or services, or if you’re going to announce a promotional deal or some discounts regarding your business. However, avoid uploading photos that have nothing to do with your tweet or your brand – that’s the example of bad advertising.

5. Use Videos for Increasing Interaction and Engagement

If the image is worth thousands of words, then the video breaks the record.

Adding videos to your tweets is a fantastic way of sharing information about your new products with followers, share behind-the-scenes content, express emotions, and expand your tweet’s life.

Even though they added a soundless video, they made quite an engaging motion picture. Besides, they offer a YouTube link for official gameplay reveals live stream, which must be quite joyful for all Jedi around the world.

You can also go for live video feature – live videos are automatically posted as tweets, and people can watch them even when they end.

6. Utilize Twitter Polls for Gaining Followers’ Feedback

Twitter polls are one of the best ways for creating more activity on your profile. They are fun, engaging, and easy to add.

Polls are beneficial in many ways – you can use them for conducting consumer and market research, initiate conversations with your followers, and get useful feedback from them.

7. Take Advantage of the Twitter Marketing Tools

Even though people spend most of their time online, there are some days of the week when they tend to be more active than usually – and that’s when you need to strike!

When you tweet during the days and hours when users are “virtually awake,” you are likely to gain more impressions, engagements, and more clicks.

According to social media statistics, the tweets posted during weekends have higher CTR than the ones posted during the week – however, you shouldn’t rely on that fact at all costs.

For better audience insights, check out Buffer – a Twitter marketing tool that will give you the answers to the next questions:

  • What times of day do I get the most engagements with my tweets?
  • What topics my followers love most?
  • Who’s interacting with my tweets?

Knowing that, you’ll be able to determine the best hours to tweet.

However, some marketers claim that you should be tweeting all the time. It sounds like a mission impossible, since it excludes the factors like sleeping or meditating, but, as we live in a world full of options, there is a solution for that as well.

Let’s go back to Buffer – not only it gives you the info about your specific audience, but you can also use it for scheduling your posts. In that way, your Twitter account will remain active even during sleeping hours or vacation time.

8. Collaborate with Influencers and Reach More Audience

If you want to reach more audience and popularity, try cooperating with influencers – they’re especially active on Twitter, and you can contact them now easier than ever.

The best is to try to find influencers that are prominent in your industry – they’re more likely to accept your request for promoting your company, and some of them may have already liked or retweeted your posts.

When people see that some famous person promotes a more or less unknown product, they’ll run to the nearest store and purchase it. Or, if it’s there’s no physical store, they’ll order it.

In all cases, influencers open the door to small business success and help them gain more popularity and reputation.

9. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Twitter Ads

If you still don’t have a lot of followers, and you want to boost engagement as soon as possible, consider Twitter ads.

They are the fastest way for increasing your followers’ number and gain engagements on your tweets. They come in two formats:

  • Promoted tweets – they’re slightly pricier than Facebook ads, but they’re still efficient for boosting the traffic.
  • Conversational ads – conversational ads are available only in beta version, and you’ll need to request the access. However, you’ll gain engagement, and your paid posts will inspire other organic tweets that are tied to your brand.

10. Add Compelling CTAs to Attract Users

CTAs are cheat codes for successful Twitter marketing since its entire idea is to increase sales, generate leads, boost CTRs, and downloads.

Even though you’re subtly inviting your followers to purchase your products or services, adding next effective CTAs will contribute more to it:

  • Follow us
  • Download
  • Visit our site
  • Learn more
  • FREE download

Whenever you have something free to offer, don’t hesitate to tweet it – people adore free stuff, and they’ll be interested in checking it out.