August 3, 2020 7Fi Web Design

5 Ways to Get Your Website On Google’s First Page

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Ranking on Google doesn’t happen overnight, but with a strong SEO strategy your website will usually start seeing results in a couple months. Reach out to Mad Mind Studios for help designing your website and getting on the first page of Google.

1. Website design

The first step to getting your website on the first page of Google is by creating a well-designed site that attracts visitors. A simple layout that is easy to use and function will keep customers on your website, boosting traffic and visibility. Not only will it help your ranking, but having a well-designed website is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. Your website is a digital representation of your brand, so make sure the quality is there.

2. Build connections

Link building is an important part of boosting your website ranking in the eyes of Google. When other reputable websites link back to your website, that shows that you have a trustworthy and recommended by other popular websites. Build links by reaching out to media outlets to get features, as well as promoting your website on social media sites. Include internal links on your website as well, to direct to other relevant web pages.

3. SEO content

Search engine optimized content is one of the key factors Google uses to determine the quality of your website, and therefore your ranking. Sharing good content on your website means frequently updating your pages and posting blogs. Make sure you research relevant keywords before writing so you can base your content on that – this will help your website rank for certain words that are likely to be searched when people are looking for your business or services online.

4. Google AdWords

If you want to see immediate results, creating a Google AdWords campaign is the best way to get on the front page. When you run a Google search, there are ‘sponsored’ results at the top of the page. Simple choose your budget, choose your keywords, and create an ad. Google AdWords is an effective tool for businesses, even if your budget is limited.

5. Secure website

Getting an SSL certificate for your website is important your showing your visitors that the site is secure. When a viewer sees that you have an SSL certified website, it makes them feel more comfortable visiting your site knowing that their information and device is not at risk. If you sell products online, make sure that your shopping cart is secure as well so customers feel safe providing their payment details.